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CRMBOOST.COM Privacy Statement

Effective date: January 1, 2010.

C & G Group International, Inc (C & G) takes the privacy and security of CRMBOOST.COM customers seriously. This online Privacy Statement will explain what information is collected, how that information may be used, and who has access to it.

If at any point you have questions or concerns about your privacy, please contact C & G using one of the following methods. Please include your name, telephone number, e-mail address, and mailing address so that we can communicate with you directly.

Call us toll free at (786) 230-8532

E-mail us at

Write us at the following address:
10440 NW 37 Terrace
Doral, FL 33178

What personal information does CRMBOOST.COM collect?

CRMBOOST.COM collects only the information necessary for billing and user identification. This information will include some or all of the following: your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and debit or credit account number to be used only for payment.

Throughout the normal use of CRMBOOST.COM, you should expect to enter customer contact information and customer histories related to your own business activities. This information is not collected by CRMBOOST.COM.

How will your information be used?

CRMBOOST.COM will only use your account information for user identification, billing, vital system update announcements, and to update you with special offers that you have opted to receive.

CRMBOOST.COM will never use or monitor the customer contact information and customer histories that you enter into CRMBOOST.COM, except as required by law. All backup files that contain that information are contained within a secure data center and can only be accessed via your account.

What third parties will have access to your information?

CRMBOOST.COM recognizes that your information should be shared with as few third parties as possible. Therefore, CRMBOOST.COM will never sell your information to third party marketers. Furthermore, third party technology partners will only be provided with the minimum information they require to perform an essential CRMBOOST.COM function, such as processing your monthly payment.

How can you say "no" to marketing information?

CRMBOOST.COM does not want to bother you. It is our responsibility to deliver any critical system update messages to you, but you have the choice to opt-in or opt-out of other CRMBOOST.COM electronic mailings, updates, or offers at any time.

How can you control your information?

CRMBOOST.COM recognizes that you should have the final say about the information stored within CRMBOOST.COM. You may change your financial, identification, and contact information stored in CRMBOOST.COM at any time. You may export, change, and delete customer history information from CRMBOOST.COM anytime, from any location across the globe that is not restricted by US Trade Law (for more information, see the Terms of Use. All information is accessible from within your account via the Web from any modern Web browser.

How can you keep your information secure?

CRMBOOST.COM manages the technology necessary to keep your data secure, so you don't have to. View our Security Statement for more information.