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How To Edit A Quote? (KB10000099)

1. Quotes are created from within Lead details or Account Details.

2. First you need to search and locate the Lead or Account for whom you created the quote.

3. You can use the Keyword Search Tool on the left, right above the calendar.

4. You may also Click the Leads or Accounts tab from the top and locate and click the company that you created the quote for. 

5. Once in the Lead Detail or Account Detail screen, scroll down to the sub-tabs below notes, and click QUOTES.

6. A list of all the quotes created for this Lead or Account will be shown.

7. Click on the Quote # to access the quote you wish to change.

8. Click EDIT.

9. Proceed to change the quote as needed.

10. To complete, scroll up and click SAVE.

11.  You may now proceed to click on the modified quote and Email or Print it out.

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