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How To Export Customer List From Quickbooks? (KB10000103)

  1. Open QuickBooks on your computer. You must switch the program to single-user mode. This restricts the file access of any other user. If anyone else is working on this company file, have him/her close the program. Click on the "File" menu located at the top of the screen. Select "Single-User Mode" from the options in the File menu.
  2. Click on the "File" menu a second time. Select "Utilities" from the options available.
  3. Select "Export" from the options under Utilities.
  4. Click on the box next to "Customer List." This screen will give you a number of lists available for export, with boxes next to them. Clicking on a box marks that list. You may export as many lists as you want from this screen.
  5. Use the dialogue box to select a location on your hard drive where the list will export. If you set up a separate folder for this purpose, locate it and click on the "Open" button.
  6. Click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the export screen.

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