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How To Export Contact List From Infusionsoft? (KB10000166)

Any data that can be generated in an Infusionsoft search or report can be exported as a .CSV file allowing you to export most of your data.

To export data from Infusionsoft:

1. Perform a search or run a report on the data you wish to export. For example, let's find a list of people to export.

2. Select People, then Find People.

3. To manage the fields that are displayed in your report/search and to select the data that will be exported, click on the Columns tab or you can pull up a saved list.

Edit Criteria/Columns

Pull up a saved list

4. Any fields that are available for export can be added to your search in the Columns tab. Select the fields you would like to add from the right field box and click the arrow to add them to your report fields.


5. When you have added all the fields you would like to export, click Ok. Notice the columns in your search results:

6. Using the Actions drop-down in the results window, select Export.

7. If you have saved an export previously, you can select it here. Or you may un-check any fields you do not wish to export.

8. Select the format the data should be exported in. You can open up the CSV file in Excel, or contained as a zip file.

9. Choose the delivery method for the results. You may open it up in the browser (Internet Explorer) or have the file emailed to you.

10. If you would like to save the settings used in this export, type a name for the Saved Export in the Save Settings field. Note: This option does not store the file that is being exported, it simply saves the configured settings.

11. Click Process.

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