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How To Export Contact List From 1shopping Cart? (KB10000168)

1. Hover over Clients.

2. Select Export Clients.

3. Type in the destination email address and a name for the export. It is recommended that you enter in a Job Label.

4. Click Continue.

Your entire list will be queued up and emailed within 24 hours.

You may also export clients based upon which autoresponder they belong to.

1. Hover over Clients, then select Search, Edt, Add.

2. In your search criteria, select the appropriate autoresponder and click Search.

3. Under the section titled Hitlist Action make sure the drop-down is set to Export List to CSV.

4. Click Submit.

5. Type in the receiving email and Job Label and click Continue.

Your lists will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

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