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Category: Preference

  How To Customize Lead Module? (KB10000143)
To edit or update setting for the Lead module go to Settings>Preferences. Select the Lead Module. In this section, the industry & Source list can be edit to your convenience. Click "UPDATE" after editing each list ...
  How To Customize Account Module? (KB10000144)
To edit or update setting for the Account module go to Settings>Preferences. Select the Account Module. In this section, the industry, Source and Payment Terms list can be edit to your convenience. Click "UPDATE" a ...
  How To Customize Vendor Module? (KB10000145)
To edit or update setting for the Vendor module go to Settings>Preferences. Select the Vendor Module. In this section, the industry & Source list can be edit to your convenience. Click "UPDATE" after editing each li ...
  How To Customize Opportunity Module? (KB10000146)
To edit or update setting for the Opportunity module go to Settings>Preferences. Select the Opportunity Module. In this section, the Opportunity stage list can be edit to your convenience. Click "UPDATE" after editi ...
  How To Customize Support Case Module? (KB10000147)
To edit or update setting for the Support Case module go to Settings>Preferences. Select the Support Case Module. In this section, the Support Case Stage, Type and Source list can be edit to your convenience. Cl ...
  How To Create Custom Fields? (KB10000148)
To add or update Custom Fields, go to Settings>Preferences. Select "Custom Fields" In this section, extra fields can be add to your convenience as well the field type and Module/s. Click "UPDATE" after editing li ...
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