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Category: Opportunities

  How To Upload A Document For An Opportunity? (KB10000019)
1. Click Lead/Account tab and then "Opportunities" from the tabs on the top. 2. Locate the Opportunity you wish to add the document to. 3. Click through to the Opportunity Details Page. 4. Scroll down and click on ...
  What Is An Opportunity? (KB10000024)
Opportunities are used to track deals through your sales pipeline. An opportunity is any possible negotiation you might be working on. You can customize your pipeline workflow process through the "Preferences" t ...
  How To Create A Follow-up Activity For An Opportunity? (KB10000051)
1. Search for your Lead or Account and go into the details page. 2. Scroll down and click the Opportunities sub-tab. 3. Locate and click on your opportunity. 4. Locate the "Follow Up Box" on the right as sho ...
  How To Add A Note To An Opportunity? (KB10000068)
1. Search for your Opportunity through the search field on the left, or by clicking the Lead/Account and Opportunities tab on the top and locating your Opportunities. 2. Click the Opportunity name to go into the Opp ...
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