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How To Send A Flyer Through An Email Campaign? (KB10000060)

1. Click Create "Campaign".

2. Enter a name descriptive for your campaign.

3. Click "Save"

4. Select the newly created campaign name from the left.

5. Click "Add Email to Campaign".

6. Type your Subject Line for the email.

7. Type your general message or create your design in the editor box below.

8. Scroll down to the documents section.

9. Click UPLOAD to upload your flyer. (Make sure it is a web ready image file format JPG, GIF, or PNG)

10. Click Browse to locate the file for your flyer.

11. Enter a description for the file if necessary.  (optional)

12. Click UPLOAD and wait for the confirmation the file was uploaded successfully.

13. Click the link to go back and continue.

14. Locate the thumbnail with your flyer.


16. Click SAVE when done.

17. Click CLOSE to close window.

18. Proceed to send email campaign.  View Here for Details.

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